Questions & Answers

Nope. Our business model allows for us to accommodate clients from anywhere in world that has an internet connection and/or a smartphone to access our app. We would love to be a part of your fitness journey no matter what part of the world you are in.

No worries. We’ll take good care of you. We love beginners. Regardless of your experience, we’ll be there with you, ensuring you’re on track of reaching your goals. Not sure where to start? Click this link to schedule a Free Consultation.

Novice, intermediate, or advanced, there’s always room for improvement. If you’re looking to level up and really test yourself. We have custom designed programs that would bring a Spartan Warrior to their knees. However, if you have very specific fitness goals you would like to achieve we can customize a plan for you that will keep your eye on the prize. If that is something you would like to discuss, click this link to schedule a Free Consultation.

That totally depends on you and your goals, result timeline, and schedule. However, since nutrition is roughly 80% of your success, it will require at the very least a daily commitment to eat the proper diet that will keep you on track to your fitness goals, but if you only want or have time to workout once a week, we can accommodate that. Conversely, if you want to workout 6 days a week, we can make that happen too. Our coaching protocol is an ongoing process and conforms to your lifestyle. Not sure where to start? Click this link to schedule a Free Consultation.

No problem. Assessing and adapting is a natural part of life and working around injuries is no different. Shoulder, knees, back, neck, we have worked with them all, and have successfully modified programs around those injuries. However, we do recommend that you see your doctor or specialist to ensure your injury doesn’t need immediate medical attention and that physical exercise will not increase the severity of your injury any further. In certain circumstance a medical release from your doctor may be required.

Your results are directly related to the effort and commitment you put into your program. Anything worth doing will be difficult and challenging, which is why success is oh so sweet. You didn’t become over-weight or out of shape overnight, so you shouldn’t expect overnight results. There is not a quick fix or a magic fat-loss diet pill that will change all your bad habits. You must put in the work and decide that you want to make better decisions about your nutrition and overall fitness. We live in a world of expected instant gratification with little to no effort, and there are people within the fitness industry that prey upon those people. We want your success and results to be lifelong, and that takes time and hard work on your part. However, if you commit to the process, reach out to your coach when you have questions, and put in the hard work, you should begin to experience some results within a few weeks.

If you are enrolled in the Total Body Transformation Coaching Program, there are 2 answers to this question. The 1st answer is, it’s up to you and how much interaction you decide to have with your coach. By utilizing the 2-way messaging within the app you can interact with your coach at any time on any day with questions or concerns about your nutrition and/or workouts in your program, and your coach will respond back at their earliest convenience. 

It’s important to understand that due to all other work and life obligations, response time during the week is typically within 24 hours. Also, unless previously arranged, all forms of communication sent during the weekend and/or holidays will be replied to the following business day.

The 2nd answer to this question is, your coach will check-in periodically to see how you’re doing if you haven’t already reached out, just to touch base and see if you’re having any setbacks, challenges, or issues that need to be address with your program. 

No worries! One of the great benefits of working with us is our ability to build programs around your lifestyle and resources available. Whether you travel a lot, have a busy schedule, can’t or don’t want to go to a commercial gym, we have a plethora of options to fit your needs. Also, a commercial gym membership can help in adding a certain amount of verity to your program, it’s not a must in order to succeed. In addition to building your program according to your availability, we also build it around what equipment, if any, you have. Have a home gym? Great, let us know what you have, and we can build upon that. No equipment at all? No problem, you’ll be amazed with just how effective body-weight exercises can be.

Not sure where to start? Click this link to schedule a Free Consultation.

While we don’t have couples or family memberships listed, we do believe that families that workout together, stay together. So in the spirit of family we currently offer 10% your monthly program. 

In order to claim your 10% discount for you and your family members, click the link below and provide your name and the names of your family members that wish to sign up and we will reply with your custom 10% code. 

Get my family discount code here!

Abso-freaking-lutely! Having family of my own that are military and first responders, it was never really a question of “will you have”, from the very beginning it was, “ I will always have a military and first responder discount, and it will be the largest of all our discounts.” Currently it is 15% off. First responders include Police, Firemen, EMT’s, & Paramedics. Verification must be provided and if there are ever any incidents of “Stolen Valor” membership(s) will be immediately terminated with no refund and all parties involved will be reported to the appropriate authorities. Click here to request a military or first responder discount code.

Without diving deep into the science and multiple methods, intermittent fasting is a eating pattern that focused on specified times of fasting (not eating or consuming any calories from liquids) and a specified time of eating. Usually defined as an eating window. So, when you are not eating or consuming any other form of calories your body is in a fasted state.

The moment you eat or drink something that contains calories or causes an insulin spike you break your fast. Hence the term breakfast. Intermittent fasting has several weight loss and health benefits. For starters it naturally helps in reducing the overall calories that a person typically consumes, and under normal circumstance that will put a person in a calorie deficit state, that will naturally result in weight loss. Another benefit of intermittent fasting is that it helps regulate insulin and cortisol levels within the body, both of which if not kept in check can cause weight gain.

When done properly, intermittent fasting is a game changer, not only for weight loss but in changing the relationship that you have with food. 

If you think intermittent fasting might be for you or if you need help on deciding what would work best for your particular needs click here to schedule a Free Consultation.