& Nutrition Coaching

How often do you feel that there is so much to do but so little time to do it all?

I can tell you with 100% certainty you are not alone!

Between your work,  your kids,  your spouse, and your friends where do you find the time for you?

I imagine you may have responded with, “I don’t” or you may have literally laughed out loud. The fact of the matter is that you don’t find time…You MAKE TIME for You.

If you want to excel at work, be a better parent, spouse, and/or friend you have to focus on improving yourself. That can only be done by making time for yourself. You can’t be the best parent, spouse, or friend if you’re not the best version of yourself that you can be both mentally and physically.

There is a huge misconception that getting in shape is all about vanity. That is completely false. Looking great naked is just a bonus to all the other positive benefits of taking charge of your health and fitness. Just to name a few, mental & emotional clarity, increased confidence, decrease risk of disease & illness, complete reversal of some diseases & illnesses, increased longevity, increased physical & mental performance.

If it hasn’t been made clear enough yet, not only does your health and fitness have a direct affect on the outward appearance of your body, but also on your mind and the countless physiological changes in your body.

Like most things, it’s easier said than done, but when has anything that is worth doing been easy? The great news is that you don’t have to do it alone. We want to help you become the best you that you can be, so that you can excel in all other areas of your life.

Which is why we offer 1-on-1 Total Body Transformation Coaching, Total Habit Transformation Hypnotherapy, and a wide range of Elite Training Programs for every skill level.

Make no mistake about it, I want nothing more than for you to live a long, healthy, happy life with your loved ones, but you have to want it more than I do before it can become a reality. You have to be strong and courageous in all that you do.

Elite Higher Performaers

Do you consider yourself an advanced athlete, weightlifter, or an Alpha? Try one of our Elite High Performer Programs and lets see just how elite you ready are.

Total Body Transformation Coaching

You are like no other person on this earth and therefore your training program should be no different. Your workout program, nutrition, motivation, and accountability is all 100% built for you and only you.

Total Habit Transformation

For decades Hypnotherapy has been an industry secrete that has helped CEO's, professional athletes, and world leaders reach their maximum potential. Now you can also take advantage of it to reach your maximum potential.

Self-Discipline is doing what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, even when you don’t want to. It’s muscle that you have to flex everyday.

~Travis Walker

What people are saying

Tyler Alexander
Tyler Alexander
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I wanted to take a minute and talk to you all about a business that I have recently become a client of. I have been given the opportunity to sign up with a local business called Battlefield Fitness and Nutrition. I have done several other fitness and nutrition programs like beachbody workouts like P90X, Body Beast, and everything in between and can tell you that Battlefield Fitness and Travis Walker has really stepped it up a notch. Not only with the workouts themselves, but in the way that you are being trained and guided through the workouts. Each one builds on the next so that by the time you are done you have worked out not only the large muscle groups, but all the isolation muscles as well. Very impressed with the thought out way of really exhausting the whole group of muscles I am training on any given day. I highly recommend you go check them out at Thank you for being so amazing and dedicated to your craft!!
Tracy McDaniel
Tracy McDaniel
Goes Above and Beyond
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So Travis goes above and beyond. He not only checks on you but is always available when needed. I’ve lost 11 lbs with his training. His prices are so much better than any other PT I’ve used and you get tons more help and info. It’s like he’s right there working right along side of you. I’ve tried numerous PTs and never seen results like I have using Travis’s program. He truly becomes like family. I believe I finally realized why everything I was doing failed. He also explains EVERYTHING to make you truly understand. I will continue to use his training guides until I get where I want to be! Thanks so much literally for everything Travis! ❤️
Arafat Barakat
Arafat Barakat
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Travis Walker’s knowledge in nutrition and working out has changed mine and wife’s body composition. He has put together a easy to follow guide on proper nutrition and has provided us with a work out regimen that has helped us in our fitness goals. I have been able to get off high blood pressure medication and cholesterol medicine. Me and my wife have lost a combined 65 pounds in less than 6 months.
Justin Jarolimek
Justin Jarolimek
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Working out with Travis is awesome. His motivation and guidance helped me develop strength, flexibility and endurance that I didn’t think was possible. He creates workout routines that are individually crafted for my current ability, while also pushing me to always try for more.

"Whether you think you can
or think you can't,
you're right." ~ Henry Ford

Custom meal plans and a huge food database. You will never be bored with your food again.

Access to over 600+ workouts. You will never have to think of what to do next again!

Custom programs tailored for you, complete with pictures, tips, and videos.

You are not on your own. Full support along the way. Results are reflective of effort.

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